59 Bartlett Ave
Photo Cards, Prints Jewelry and Mixed Media Art55
Elena Clamen Photo cards, prints, magnets Handmade textiles from a friends Jewish community in Uganda elenaclamenart@yahoo.com Marina Strauss Mixed Media art/textiles straussmarina@gmail.com Janis McClinch jmcclinch@gmail.com
60 Bartlett Ave56
Liz Buchanan; Edie Allen56
Liz Buchanan’s collage art is filled with vibrant colors and themes reflecting the beauty in nature. Liz creates flowered canvases as well as notecards and other smaller pieces. Every name is special with Edie Allen’s Alphabet Animals custom name signs and initials. Check out the website at www.alphabetanimals.com to learn more.
71 Bartlett Ave59
Crafts for Teosinte59
Purchase beautiful and unique bags, placemats and much more while also providing vital income to the Teosinte women’s sewing cooperative, their partners, the “Asociacion Maya” women’s weaving cooperative in Guatemala & and to the community of Teosinte, El Salvador, Arlington's Sister City for 25 years. Fabric is hand woven and crafts are fair-trade (100% of …